“I am you, you are me.”

Milena Maat’s Video Books
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Milena Maat’s Practices
"Conscious Living" Practice
“Conscious Living” practice for Individuals or Groups. Consists of a full day live coaching by Milena Maat, in Bulgaria, Italy, Mexico and various European countries.
Computing and Quantum Reality
In a world where the computers are just an extension of our lives, it might be important to know the many abilities we could find in a human-computer interaction.
"Alchemy Of The Mind" Master Practice
A monthly online live master practice, for people seeking deeper esoteric development and practical approach towards life and work related issues
Personal and Business Development
Individual practice with attention on the personal life development or business oriented development.
Mystical Experience
Various live practices on topics such as Meditations for perception and enlightenment, Tantric formational energy for females and males, Mastery of reality and illusion and others.
Milena Maat’s Projects